Во имя Аллаха, Милостивого, Милосердного!
Клянусь предвечерним временем (или временем)! Воистину, каждый человек в убытке, кроме тех, которые уверовали, совершали праведные деяния, заповедали друг другу истину и заповедали друг другу терпение! Суры «аль-Аср»
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The Relationship Between Human Beings & Almighty God - Yusuf Estes - Beauties of Islam - Episode 10


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Описание материала:

The Almighty is the only Creator. He is the one that created all, and non had created him. With this prefix in ones mind, it is easy to comprehend that God -the All-Mighty- is not part of his creation. In this lecture, Yusuf Estes briefly touches on this Islamic belief.Key Points of This Video:Introduction [start time 00:00]Who is God? How is God? Where is God? [start time 00:40]Ask God and not his creation [start time 03:52]Slaves to God or your own desires [start time 07:46]Repentance after sin [start time 11:50]Conclusion [start time 14:30]"Beauties of Islam" with Sheikh Yusuf Estes on HudaTV.Tenth episode: The relationship between human beings & Almighty God. Date of episode: 17-November-08

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